Are you a candidate for rhinoplasty? Discover if your nasal structure could be improved by a reconstructive or aesthetic enhancement.
Rhinoplasty, also known as “nose jobs,” is a cosmetic surgery procedure that improves the look or function of the nose. While some people choose to undergo this procedure in order to breathe easier or to recover from a trauma or burn injury, the majority of people opt to do so for aesthetic purposes. The self-confidence and self-esteem issues built up throughout a person’s life can be overcome in just a few hours extra resources.
The procedure can be performed either openly or in a closed manner. This is determined by where incisions will be made and where scarring or healing will occur.
The most popular cosmetic surgery for men and women is primary reconstructive rhinoplasty. This procedure is used to enhance the aesthetics of the nose. A secondary procedure is any type of revision after the initial surgery.
The risks and side effects of rhinoplasty are similar to those of any other invasive procedure. These include hematoma, seroma, blood clots and infection. Other risks and complications may be related to asymmetry or irregularities.
The most common side effect of rhinoplasty is nasal whistling or loss of scent. These may resolve spontaneously or require additional post-operative surgery to fix the issue.